Shipping countries and regions
The shipping countries / regions where Japanpage: is able to deliver products differ depending on whether“products are purchased for personal use”or“products are purchased for personal use, serving at restaurants/bars,or for sale”.
Products purchased for Personal use
・ Purpose: Personal use
・ Delivery volume: 720 ml products × 3 bottles, in a single order
・ Purchase limit: Up to 3 bottles can be ordered, in a single order
・ Delivery method: EMS, international e-packet
・Shipping countries and regions: 150 countries / regions
*Although you can order 1 or 2 bottles, we recommend 3 bottles because the cost per bottle is high when ordering just 1 or 2 bottles.
* When ordering 4 or more bottles, please divide the order into multiple orders.
Products purchased for personal use, serving at restaurants/bars, and for sale
・ Purpose: personal use, serving at restaurants/bars, local sales
・ Number of deliveries: 720 ml products × 12 bottles or more
・ Purchase limit: No limitation
・ Delivery method: Fedex / EMS
・Shipping countries and regions: 50 countries / regions
* We use a packing material that can contain up to 12 bottles (even if an order totals less than 12 bottles)
* Currently, some countries/regions, including the United states and Canada, are under confirmation. We will provide notice when delivery is possible.
Shipping countries and regions
Please see the PDF below for countries / regions where delivery is possible.
Shipping countries and regions.pdf